Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I’m so enjoying my son’s 7s!  This summer, we are teaching him independence by giving him more responsibilities.  He’s really doing a great job and my hubby and I couldn’t be any more proud. Having long talks with him has also become a new routine.  He really enjoys listening to my stories of when I was a little kid.  So, yesterday I took these conversations to a new level and shared a big part of my heart.  June 26 would’ve been my mother’s 76th birthday.  I normally keep a low profile on this subject (mother).  But yesterday was different; I felt that after 10 years of not celebrating her birthday, I was strong enough to talk to my son about her.  So I brought my photo album and showed my son one of my favorite pictures.  My mother and I at the beach when I was 3 years old.  So we went on and on about me growing up and how I miss my mom.  The long conversation ended with such a meaningful hug from him.  We had connected in a new level.  Knowing more about me, brings him closer to me.  Opening my heart to him, brings me closer to him. 

When I think about our relationship with God, this concept on taking us to the next level has been his idea since the beginning of time.  He's already opened up his heart and wants us to know more about him. The question is would I embrace him like my son embraced me?

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. Jeremiah 31:3

Friday, June 15, 2012


I’m mixed with sadness and joy after hearing the most compelling story of a mother of 3yr old girl who recorded her daughter’s final sounds.  The little girl had to have a tracheotomy as a life-saving surgery which disabled her ability to speak or make any sounds.  Though this family has been blessed with the gift of time, it breaks my heart to listen to the mother explain how she misses her little girl’s laughter and cry.

These kind of stories make me stop and be thankful for the many blessing that go unnoticed every second of my life.  Just the past week I was upset with my kids because they were laughing so loud in the car while I was having a conversation with my girlfriend.  Yes, I AM responsible to teach my kids good manners, but sometimes, I get so caught up in my parenting duties that I forget to sit back and enjoy my children just being children. Their innocence laughter, their loud talk, their sweet little voices calling me mommy either cause they’re happy to see me or cause they need my help, their cries when they get hurt or are scared…I’m forever thankful for my wonderful perfectly NOISY kids!

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15

Photo by Vibel Photography