Upon our arrival we did feel the inconvenience of not being able to gather all the seniors in one big room. Instead, we were asked to just go caroling in the halls or into their rooms. And so we did. As inconvenient as it was, as strenuous as it was to our voices, we sang over and over and over at many different rooms. Each time, our hearts were touched by those wrinkle faces, brightened by our singing. They’re sad lonely expressions would immediately turned into this almost childlike excitement at the rhythm of the songs! Their eyes would open up wider and some even sang along. All thanked us and hugged us so warmly, just being grateful that we took some time to “display” kindness and joy. Some cried as no one had come to visit them in a while let along bring some cheerful times. And it dawn on me! I couldn’t hold the tears anymore. Wasn’t inconvenient for God to send his only son to be born in this wicked world? Wasn’t’ inconvenient for Jesus to suffer and die at the cross for our sins? The list of inconveniences that my savior had to encounter goes on and on. And yet, He faced them each without complaints or regrets, but rather with so much love and compassion.
I truly believe in my heart that all things happen for a reason. Our experience last night was a real eye opener. I felt God’s love and compassion like never before and at the same time; I saw the need of the forgotten ones, those in their final stage of life. It might have been inconvenient, but it was so worth it!
because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd
Matthew 9:36
You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.
Luke 6:36
Luke 6:36
You shall stand up before the gray head and honor the face of an old man. Leviticus 19:32